
本日Catalyst3560V2(WS-C3560V2-TS-S)を入手しました。やったー!これならIOS15も正式サポートしてるからCCIE Ver5の学習でも使えるぜー!

Error: The image in the archive which would be used to upgrade
Error: system number 1 does not support the same feature set.

Cat0-3750 upgrade. Error: system number 1 does not support the same feature

It seems that Cisco has added a check into there upgrade process to prevent you from accidentally changing the feature set during an IOS upgrade. This is a really nice sanity check since changing feature sets on a production switch could really ruin your day.

To bypass this check, add the /allow-feature-upgrade parameter to the archive download-sw command. According to the documentation, this feature is new as of 12.2(35).

どうやら12.2(35)でフィーチャーセット変更に関するチェックが追加されたみたいです。うーむ。知らんかった。で、ここで言われてる通り /allow-feature-upgrade をつけてやってみました。

Old image for switch 1: flash:/c3560-ipbasek9-mz.122-55.SE7
  Old image will be deleted before download.

Deleting `flash:/c3560-ipbasek9-mz.122-55.SE7' to create required space
Extracting images from archive into flash...
c3560-ipservicesk9-mz.122-58.SE2/ (directory)
c3560-ipservicesk9-mz.122-58.SE2/html/ (directory)
extracting c3560-ipservicesk9-mz.122-58.SE2/html/status.htm (8107 bytes)
extracting info (110 bytes)

Installing (renaming): `flash:update/c3560-ipservicesk9-mz.122-58.SE2' ->
New software image installed in flash:/c3560-ipservicesk9-mz.122-58.SE2

All software images installed.
Requested system reload skipped due to unsaved config changes.

で、reloadした後で show version した結果がこちら

Switch Ports Model              SW Version            SW Image                 
------ ----- -----              ----------            ----------               
*    1 26    WS-C3560V2-24TS    12.2(58)SE2           C3560-IPSERVICESK9-M     
